The Antidote
The antidote to all that is going on right now involves asking myself one simple question, ‘what do I need right now in this moment?’ …and then I give myself whatever it is I need, to the best of my ability in that moment. Giving myself what I need used to be a luxury, now it’s a necessity and a priority.
Sometimes it’s a drink of water, sometimes it’s eating nourishing food, sometimes it’s breathing deeply, sometimes it’s a moment sitting in stillness, sometimes it’s placing my hand on my heart and listening, sometimes it’s going for a pee!, sometimes it’s having a good cry, sometimes it’s screaming into a pillow, sometimes it’s getting out with the kids into nature, sometimes it’s putting on a song and crazy dancing around the kitchen.
Building up this practice of giving myself what I need, when I need it is so healing.
If this question brings up answers that involve complex acquiring of ‘things’ that you ‘need’ then I invite you to listen a little longer, place a hand on your heart and listen, breathe and listen. There’s a little whisper in there that is our true essence and much more gentle than the loud conditioned and programmed voice that will sound brash and harsh and forceful.
It’s a subtle knowing that will grow stronger and come more easily the more we ask ourselves what we need. Keep asking and keep listening to what comes up. We have the power to give ourselves what we need moment to moment. We have to go within for the answers instead of looking outward. Our body knows, and it’s ready and waiting to tell us.